... index:: Super Weapons; List of supported types
Settings by Super Weapon TypeΒΆ
Each super weapon type has its own set of default values for the general tags as well as custom tags that only apply to this type.
- Type=LightningStorm
- Type=MultiMissile
- Type=PsychicDominator
- Type=ChronoSphere
- Type=ChronoWarp
- Type=IronCurtain and Type=ForceShield
- Type=GeneticConverter
- Type=ParaDrop and Type=AmerParaDrop
- Type=SpyPlane
- Type=PsychicReveal
- Type=SonarPulse
- Type=GenericWarhead
- Type=UnitDelivery
- Type=Firestorm
- Type=HunterSeeker
- Type=DropPod
- Type=EMPulse
- Type=Battery