Type=IronCurtain and Type=ForceShield

The difference between Type=IronCurtain and Type=ForceShield are the default values used. Type=ForceShield will always use the force shield protection color for buildings, otherwise the iron curtain color is used. At the moment, the color cannot be customized.

Default values for general tags:

[SuperWeapon]►SW.Range= (float,integer)
Range affected by the protection. Defaults to [General]►ForceShieldRadius for ForceShield, to 3,3 otherwise.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.Animation= (Animation)
Defaults to [General]►ForceShieldInvokeAnim for ForceShield, to [General]►IronCurtainInvokeAnim otherwise.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.AnimationHeight= (integer)
The height the SW.Animation is played above the ground. Defaults to 5.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.AITargeting= (enumeration)
Defaults to ForceShield for ForceShield, to IronCurtain otherwise.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.AffectsHouse= (enumeration)
Specifies the houses affected by the protection. Defaults to team for ForceShield, to all otherwise.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.AffectsTarget= (enumeration)
Specifies which types the protection affects. Defaults to buildings for ForceShield, to all otherwise.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.RequiresTarget= (enumeration)
Specifies which types the protection can be fired upon. Defaults to buildings for ForceShield, to all otherwise.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.RequiresHouse= (enumeration)
Defaults to team for ForceShield, to none otherwise.
[SuperWeapon]►Cursor= (mouse cursor)
Defaults to ForceShield for ForceShield, to IronCurtain otherwise.
[SuperWeapon]►NoCursor= (mouse cursor)
Defaults to NoForceShield for ForceShield.

Iron Curtain and Force Shield specific tags:

[SuperWeapon]►Protect.Duration= (integer - frames)
The length the protection effect endures. Defaults to [General]►ForceShieldDuration for ForceShield, to [CombatDamage]►IronCurtainDuration otherwise.
[SuperWeapon]►Protect.PowerOutage= (integer - frames)
The length the owning player will experience a power outage after firing this super weapon. Defaults to [General]►ForceShieldBlackoutDuration for ForceShield, to 0 otherwise.
[SuperWeapon]►Protect.PlayFadeSoundTime= (integer - frames)
This many frames before the protection effect ends the [SuperWeapon]►SpecialSound is played. Must be lower than Protect.Duration. Defaults to [General]►ForceShieldPlayFadeSoundTime for ForceShield, to 0 otherwise.

The duration of the protection can be customized for each TechnoType. See the Force Shield Modifier section for Type=ForceShield, otherwise see the Iron Curtain Effect on Warheads section.

The AI can use Iron Curtains. Multiple Iron Curtains can be distinguised by grouping them using SW.Group. See Iron Curtain Team Script Action.


The AI only fully supports Team Script Actions. It does not yet support AI Triggers.

New in version 0.2.

Changed in version 2.0.