
The Sonar Pulse is a variation of the original Sonar Pulse known from Red Alert – it will cause any cloaked object either in range or on the entire map to temporarily decloak, even if it is cloaked by a Cloak Generator.

Default values for general tags:

[SuperWeapon]►SW.Range= (float,integer)
The radius, in cells, that the decloak effect will be applied. Use -1 to reveal all units on the map. When using full-map sonar you don’t have to select a target location; instead the super weapon will be fired when you click its cameo icon. Defaults to 10.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.AITargeting= (enumeration)
Defaults to Stealth.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.AffectsHouse= (enumeration)
Specifies the houses affected by the sonar reveal. Defaults to enemies.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.AffectsTarget= (enumeration)
Specifies which types the sonar affects. Defaults to water, all unit types situated on water cells.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.RequiresTarget= (enumeration)
Specifies where human players can fire the sonar at, which excludes land by default. Defaults to water.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.AIRequiresTarget= (enumeration)
Specifies where AI players can fire the sonar at, which excludes land by default. Defaults to water.

Sonar Pulse specific tags:

[SuperWeapon]►SonarPulse.Delay= (integer - frames)
The duration that the decloak effect will last. Defaults to 60.

New in version 0.1.

Changed in version 0.5.