
Default values for general tags:

[SuperWeapon]►SW.Range= (float,integer)
Area around the target location the Lightning Storm strikes. Note that a single value denotes the diameter of a circle – this is not the radius. Defaults to [General]►LightningCellSpread.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.Damage= (integer)
The damage each lightning bolt delivers. Defaults to [General]►LightningDamage.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.Warhead= (Warhead)
The warhead used to deal the damage of each lightning bolt. Defaults to [General]►LightningWarhead.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.Deferment= (integer frames)
Defaults to [General]►LightningDeferment.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.ActivationSound= (Sound)
The sound played globally when the Lightning Storm starts. Defaults to [AudioVisual]►StormSound.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.AITargeting= (enumeration)
Defaults to LightningStorm.
[SuperWeapon]►Light.*= (integer)
Default to the scenario’s [Lighting]►Ion*.
[SuperWeapon]►Cursor= (mouse cursor)
Defaults to LightningStorm.

Lightning Storm specific tags:

[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.Duration= (integer - frames)
The length the Lightning Storm endures. A value of -1 means indefinite duration. Defaults to [General]►LightningStormDuration.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.RadarOutage= (integer - frames)
The number of frames radars are jammed for players defined by SW.AffectsHouse. Defaults to [General]►LightningStormDuration.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.RadarOutageAffects= (enumeration)
Specifies the houses affected by radar outage. Defaults to enemies.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.HitDelay= (integer - frames)
The number of frames between two clouds being created over the target cell. Values of 0 or lower will disable direct hits. Clouds created by this mechanism are never subject to separation rules (see below). Defaults to [General]►LightningHitDelay.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.ScatterDelay= (integer - frames)
The number of frames between clouds getting created over a random cell in the super weapon’s range. Values of 0 or lower will disable random hits. Only clouds created by this mechanism are subject to separation rules (see below). Defaults to [General]►LightningScatterDelay.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.ScatterCount= (integer)
The number of new clouds created every Lightning.ScatterDelay frames. Values of 0 or lower will disable random hits. Defaults to 1.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.Separation= (integer - distance)
The least number of cells between two random clouds to better distribute damage. This is not the direct distance, but rather the sum of the differences of the x and y components. Values of 0 or lower will disable separation rules. Defaults to [General]►LightningSeparation.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.PrintText= (boolean)
Enables the warning text appearing shortly before the Lightning Storm strikes. Defaults to [General]►LightningPrintText.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.IgnoreLightningRod= (boolean)
Disables the special handling for buildings with LightningRod=yes set. Defaults to no.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.DebrisMin= (integer)
The least number of debris created when lightning strikes empty cells or destroys a building or a unit. Defaults to 2.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.DebrisMax= (integer)
The largest number of debris created when lightning strikes empty cells or destroys a building or a unit. Defaults to 4.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.CloudHeight= (integer - leptons)
The height above the ground the clouds get created in. Values less than 0 will center the cloud image on top of the first bolt anim from the list (for the original game this is about 1200). Defaults to -1.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.BoltExplosion= (Animation)
Every lightning bolt will display this damage animation upon impact. Defaults to [General]►WeatherConBoltExplosion.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.Sounds= (list of Sounds)
A comma separated list of sounds played when lightning strikes. Defaults to [AudioVisual]►LightningSounds.
[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.Clouds= (list of Animation)

A comma separated list of cloud animations. Defaults to [General]►WeatherConClouds.


If this list is empty, the Lightning Storm super weapon will not function.

[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.Bolts= (list of Animation)

A comma separated list of bolt animations. If this list is empty, the damage is caused even though no bolts are shown. Defaults to [General]►WeatherConBolts.


Do not use Bouncer=yes animations with Lightning.Bolts. This leads to crashes if a building is hit.

[SuperWeapon]►Lightning.Debris= (list of Animation)
A comma separated list of animations used as debris when lightning strikes. Defaults to [General]►MetallicDebris.

Other changes:

Lightning rods attract random lightning that is about to strike in close range. For more information see the Lightning Rods section.

New in version 0.2.