
Default values for general tags:

[SuperWeapon]►SW.Range= (float,integer)
Area around the target location the Psychic Dominator captures. This does not affect the damage. Defaults to [General]►DominatorCaptureRange.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.Damage= (integer)
The damage the Psychic Dominator delivers right before capturing. No damage is dealt if this value is 0 or negative. Defaults to [General]►DominatorDamage.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.Warhead= (Warhead)
The warhead used to deal the damage. Defaults to [General]►DominatorWarhead.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.Deferment= (integer - frames)
Defaults to 0.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.ActivationSound= (Sound)
Defaults to [AudioVisual]►PsychicDominatorActivateSound.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.AITargeting= (enumeration)
Defaults to PsychicDominator.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.AffectsHouse= (enumeration)
Specifies the houses affected by the capture. Defaults to all.
[SuperWeapon]►SW.AffectsTarget= (enumeration)
Specifies which types the capture affects. Defaults to infantry,units.
[SuperWeapon]►Light.*= (integer)
Default to the scenario’s [Lighting]►Dominator*.
[SuperWeapon]►Cursor= (mouse cursor)
Defaults to PsychicDominator.

Psychic Dominator specific tags:

[SuperWeapon]►Dominator.FirstAnim= (Animation)
The Animation hovering above the target for some time before the Psychic Dominator strikes. Defaults to [General]►DominatorFirstAnim.
[SuperWeapon]►Dominator.FirstAnimHeight= (integer - leptons)
The height the Dominator.FirstAnim is played above the ground. Defaults to 750.
[SuperWeapon]►Dominator.SecondAnim= (Animation)
The Animation hovering above the target when the Psychic Dominator strikes. Defaults to [General]►DominatorSecondAnim.
[SuperWeapon]►Dominator.SecondAnimHeight= (integer - leptons)
The height the Dominator.SecondAnim is played above the ground. Defaults to 0.
[SuperWeapon]►Dominator.FireAtPercentage= (integer)
After this percentage of the Dominator.FirstAnim‘s frames have been played, the Dominator is fired. This is the actual percentage, 20 is 20%. Don’t use decimal numbers. Defaults to [General]►DominatorFireAtPercentage.
[SuperWeapon]►Dominator.ControlAnim= (Animation)
The Animation displayed above units being mind-controlled by the Dominator permanently. Defaults to [CombatDamage]►PermaControlledAnimationType.
[SuperWeapon]►Dominator.Capture= (boolean)
Defines whether this Psychic Dominator captures units in its range. Otherwise only the damage is dealt. Defaults to yes.
[SuperWeapon]►Dominator.Ripple= (boolean)
Defines whether this Psychic Dominator creates a ripple effect when the Psychic Dominator strikes. Defaults to yes.
[SuperWeapon]►Dominator.CaptureMindControlled= (boolean)
Defines whether this Psychic Dominator can capture units that are mind-controlled already. Otherwise already mind-controlled units are ignored. Defaults to yes.
[SuperWeapon]►Dominator.CapturePermaMindControlled= (boolean)
Defines whether this Psychic Dominator can capture units that are permanently mind-controlled already. Otherwise already permanently mind-controlled units are ignored. Defaults to yes.
[SuperWeapon]►Dominator.CaptureImmuneToPsionics= (boolean)
Defines whether this Psychic Dominator can capture units that usually aren’t mind-controllable. Setting this to yes ignores the ImmuneToPsionics tag on its victims. Defaults to no.
[SuperWeapon]►Dominator.PermanentCapture= (boolean)
Defines whether the victims are permanently mind-controlled. Setting this to no allows other mind-controllers to re-capture the victim, otherwise it will be uncapturable. Defaults to yes.

New in version 0.2.