EVA Events

[SuperWeapon]►EVA.Detected= (EVA event)
The EVA event that will be triggered when the super weapon building is constructed (the EVA event is not played for the owner of the building).
[SuperWeapon]►EVA.Ready= (EVA event)
The EVA event that will be triggered when the super weapon is ready to fire (the EVA event is only played for the owner of the super weapon).
[SuperWeapon]►EVA.Activated= (EVA event)
The EVA event that will be triggered when the super weapon is fired.
[SuperWeapon]►EVA.Impatient= (EVA event)
The EVA event that will be triggered when a super weapon cameo is clicked but isn’t ready to fire yet.
[SuperWeapon]►EVA.InsufficientFunds= (EVA event)
The EVA event that will be triggered when a super weapon can’t be fired because the player doesn’t have enough money. Defaults to EVA_InsufficientFunds.
[SuperWeapon]►EVA.SelectTarget= (EVA event)
The EVA event that will be triggered when the super weapon cameo is clicked in the sidebar and the player is required to select a target.

To disable an EVA event, use the value none.

New in version 0.1.

Changed in version 0.4.