
The firing of a super weapon can now add or subtract credits from the firing player’s cash reserve. If the player doesn’t have enough funds the launch is aborted and an EVA event is triggered to notify the player. Super weapons costing money will show the needed amount in the super weapon’s cameo tool tip. If the player has not enough money to use the super weapon, the sidebar cameo is grayed out.

[SuperWeapon]►Money.Amount= (integer - credits)
This many credits are added to the firing player’s account when the super weapon is fired. Use a negative number to subtract credits. Defaults to 0.
[SuperWeapon]►Money.DrainAmount= (integer - credits)
This many credits are added to the firing player’s account when a UseChargeDrain=yes super weapon is active. Use a negative number to subtract credits. Defaults to 0.
[SuperWeapon]►Money.DrainDelay= (integer - frames)
After this many frames the credits defined in Money.DrainAmount= are added to the firing player’s account when a UseChargeDrain=yes super weapon is active. Defaults to 0.

New in version 0.1.

Changed in version 0.4.