Suppress Death Weapons

With these tags certain warheads can be made to not trigger death weapons of units specified by a list of types, or to generally not trigger death weapons for infantry or vehicle units. All tags only apply if the warhead kills a unit, not when the unit is merely damaged and later killed by some other warhead.

[Warhead]►DeathWeapon.Suppress= (list of TechnoTypes)
When this warhead causes the death of a unit from this list, its death weapon will not fire.
[Warhead]►DeathWeapon.SuppressVehicles= (boolean)
Whether death weapons of all VehicleTypes are suppressed when this warhead kills. If no, DeathWeapon.Suppress is still checked. Defaults to no.
[Warhead]►DeathWeapon.SuppressInfantry= (boolean)
Whether death weapons of all InfantryTypes are suppressed when this warhead kills. If no, DeathWeapon.Suppress is still checked. Defaults to no.

New in version 0.A.