PCX Cameos

Additionally, cameos can be loaded from PCX files instead of SHP.

In artmd.ini:

[Image]►CameoPCX= (filename, *including* the .pcx extension)
Specifies the filename containing the unit’s cameo, in the format “filename.pcx”.
[Image]►AltCameoPCX= (filename, *including* the .pcx extension)
Specifies the filename containing the unit’s alternate (promoted) cameo, in the format “filename.pcx”.

In rulesmd.ini:

[SuperWeapon]►SidebarPCX= (filename, *including* the .pcx extension)
Specifies the filename containing the superweapon’s cameo, in the format “filename.pcx”.


Like other PCX files used by the game, the PCX files used for this feature must have 256 colors and dimensions of 60x48 pixels.

New in version 0.2.