Hunter Seeker

The Hunter Seeker known from Tiberian Sun is a voxel VehicleType that uses the Fly locomotor and has HunterSeeker=yes set. It is launched by the Hunter Seeker super weapon.

Refer to ModEnc for more information about Hunter Seeker’s movement and targeting logic.


SHP units are not supported. They do not respect FlightLevel and might detonate before reaching their target.

New in version 0.7.

Global Settings

The following tags define the defaults for the Hunter Seeker super weapons and all VehicleTypes with HunterSeeker=yes set. The tags do not default to meaningful values, but the values Tiberian Sun uses are given here for reference.

Default for super weapons:

[SpecialWeapons]►HSBuilding= (list of BuildingTypes)
Buildings that can launch Hunter Seekers. BuildingTypes in this list do not have to provide the Hunter Seeker super weapon. Either this or the corresponding tag on the super weapon have to be set. If the player does not own any building from this list, the super weapon will discharge without a Hunter Seeker being launched. Defaults to none, Tiberian Sun uses GAPLUG,NATMPL.

Defaults for VehicleTypes:

[General]►HunterSeekerDetonateProximity= (integer)
Distance to target in leptons below which the Hunter Seeker will detonate. Defaults to 0, Tiberian Sun uses 150.
[General]►HunterSeekerDescendProximity= (integer)
Distance to target in leptons where the Hunter Seeker will start to descend. Defaults to 0, Tiberian Sun uses 700.
[General]►HunterSeekerAscentSpeed= (integer)
Speed value used while rising to a higher flight level. Defaults to 0, Tiberian Sun uses 40.
[General]►HunterSeekerDescentSpeed= (integer)
Speed value used while going down to a lower flight level. Defaults to 0, Tiberian Sun uses 50.
[General]►HunterSeekerEmergeSpeed= (integer)
Speed value used when ascending from the launch site. Defaults to 0, Tiberian Sun uses 6.

Hunter Seeker Unit Settings

These tags override the global tags for each unit type. Only the Fly locomotor makes use of these values.

[VehicleType]►HunterSeeker.DetonateProximity= (integer)
Distance to target in leptons below which the Hunter Seeker will detonate. Defaults to [General]►HunterSeekerDetonateProximity.
[VehicleType]►HunterSeeker.DescendProximity= (integer)
Distance to target in leptons where the Hunter Seeker will start to descend. Defaults to [General]►HunterSeekerDescendProximity.
[VehicleType]►HunterSeeker.AscentSpeed= (integer)
Speed value used while rising to a higher flight level. Defaults to [General]►HunterSeekerAscentSpeed.
[VehicleType]►HunterSeeker.DescentSpeed= (integer)
Speed value used while going down to a lower flight level. Defaults to [General]►HunterSeekerDescentSpeed.
[VehicleType]►HunterSeeker.EmergeSpeed= (integer)
Speed value used when ascending from the launch site. Defaults to [General]►HunterSeekerEmergeSpeed.

Disallow Targeting

A TechnoType can be exempt from the target scan of all Hunter Seekers enabling the tag below. This can help reduce frustration because vital or overly expensive objects or insignificant or unreasonably cheap objects can be spared. It can also be used for mission-critical objects in campaigns.

[TechnoType]►HunterSeeker.Ignore= (boolean)
Whether the Hunter Seeker will ignore targets of this type altogether, and not even randomly select them when no other target is eligible. Defaults to no.