Custom Missiles

Ares allows you to create new missile types and customize the existing types (V3RocketType, DMislType, CMislType). Missiles are AircraftTypes which have special logic attached to behave like a projectile launched from another unit and carrying a warhead to its target.

New in version 0.3.

Changed in version 0.A.

Making Aircraft a Missile

Instead of defining the missile settings in the [General] section, Ares allows you to put them directly on the AircraftType. Apart from that, the missiles work the same way the original launcher/missile pairs work. This allows you to create an arbitrary number of new missiles.

[AircraftType]►Missile.Custom= (boolean)

Specifies whether this AircraftType should exhibit missile behavior. If set to yes it enables the missile tags listed below, which must be set to meaningful values. Not recommended on V3RocketType, DMislType and CMislType. Defaults to no.


If you intend to override the original missiles defined as V3RocketType, DMislType and CMislType, you also have to define the following tags. Ares will not default to the original game tags for these types defined in the [General] section.

Custom Missile Settings

The following tags are used only if [AircraftType]►Missile.Custom=yes is set.

[AircraftType]►Missile.PauseFrames= (integer)
Defines how many frames the missile pauses on the launching unit before tilting. Defaults to 0.
[AircraftType]►Missile.TiltFrames= (integer)
Defines how many frames it takes for the missile to tilt to firing position. Defaults to 0.
[AircraftType]►Missile.PitchInitial= (float)
Defines the starting pitch of the missile before tilting up. Valid range is 0.0 (horizontal) to 1.0 (vertical). Defaults to 0.0.
[AircraftType]►Missile.PitchFinal= (float)
Defines the ending pitch of the missile after tilting up and when firing. Valid range is 0.0 (horizontal) to 1.0 (vertical). Defaults to 0.0.
[AircraftType]►Missile.TurnRate= (float)
Defines the pitch maneuverability of the missile in air. See original missiles for examples. Valid range is 0.0 to 1.0. Defaults to 0.0.
[AircraftType]►Missile.RaiseRate= (float)
Defines how much the missile will raise each turn on the launching unit. Defaults to 0.0.
[AircraftType]►Missile.Acceleration= (float)
Defines how much is added to the missile’s velocity each frame during launch. Defaults to 0.0.
[AircraftType]►Missile.Altitude= (integer)
Defines the cruising altitude in leptons at which height missile begins leveling off. Defaults to 0.
[AircraftType]►Missile.BodyLength= (integer)
Defines how long the body of the missile is in leptons. This is used to draw the trailer. Defaults to 0.
[AircraftType]►Missile.LazyCurve= (boolean)
Whether the missile’s path is a ballistic curve like the original V3 rocket. Otherwise the missile maintains the defined altitude. Defaults to no.

Warheads and Damage

[AircraftType]►Missile.Damage= (integer)
Defines how much damage the missile does when launched from a rookie or veteran unit. Defaults to 0.
[AircraftType]►Missile.EliteDamage= (integer)
Defines how much damage the missile does when launched from an elite unit. Defaults to 0.
[AircraftType]►Missile.Warhead= (Warhead)
Defines the warhead the missile uses to deliver damage when launching from a rookie or veteran unit. Defaults to none.
[AircraftType]►Missile.EliteWarhead= (Warhead)
Defines the warhead the missile uses to deliver damage when launching from an elite unit. Defaults to none.

Alternatively Using Weapons

Instead of using the pair of damage and warhead settings to deliver damage, it is also possible to define a weapon that will fire when the missile explodes. The weapon is used to control projectile, warhead, damage and bright settings of a bullet that detonates immediately.

Note that missiles will not fall back to Missile.Weapon for elite units in case Missile.EliteWeapon is not set. Missile.EliteDamage and Missile.EliteWarhead are used instead.


The weapons used for the tags below must be added to the WeaponTypes list or they might not be parsed correctly. See the debug.log if the missiles still use the damage and warhead for dealing damage.

[AircraftType]►Missile.Weapon= (Weapon)
The weapon used to deliver damage. If not set, Missile.Damage and Missile.Warhead are used to create the explosion. Defaults to none.
[AircraftType]►Missile.EliteWeapon= (Weapon)
The weapon used to deliver damage. If not set, Missile.EliteDamage and Missile.EliteWarhead are used to create the explosion. Defaults to none.

Trailer and Take-Off Animations

Aside from the missile settings you can customize the takeoff and trailer animations. These settings can be used for any missile, whether they are custom or not. Ares also optimizes away the lookup of the animation types, thus it does not happen each time a new animation is to be created for each missile.

[AircraftType]►Missile.TakeOffAnim= (Animation)
Defines the optional animation played when the missile takes off. Defaults to V3TAKOFF.
[AircraftType]►Missile.TrailerAnim= (Animation)
Defines the optional animation that is used to draw the trailer of this missile. Defaults to V3TRAIL.
[AircraftType]►Missile.TrailerSeparation= (integer)
Defines the number of frames to the creation of another trailer animation. Defaults to 3.