Customizable Veterancy

Configure the way units get experience from killing enemies.

Trainable=no is always honored, no untrainable unit will get any experience. Mind that an open-topped vehicle in the unmodified game also could promote its passengers (but without the mind-control check) if it had Trainable=no set.

New in version 0.2.

From Passengers

[TechnoType]►Experience.FromPassengers= (boolean)
Allow OpenTopped=yes and Gunner=yes units to gain experience when a passenger kills an enemy. If this is no the unit only gets promoted when killing enemies itself. For gunners like the IFV this means the vehicle may not have any passengers to gain experience. Defaults to yes.
[TechnoType]►Experience.PromotePassengers= (boolean)
If an OpenTopped=yes or Gunner=yes unit is trainable and already elite, the passenger shooting will get the experience instead. If this is no the additional experience will be lost as the vehicle is elite already. Defaults to no.
[TechnoType]►Experience.PassengerModifier= (float - multiplier)
If a kill gets credited to a passenger, the experience gain is multiplied by this value. Defaults to 100%.

From Airstrikes

[TechnoType]►Experience.FromAirstrike= (boolean)
If a kill gets credited to an aircraft that was called in by an air strike, the designator will get the experience instead of the actual aircraft. Defaults to no.
[TechnoType]►Experience.AirstrikeModifier= (float - multiplier)
If Experience.FromAircraft=yes is set on the designator of an airstrike (like Boris), the experience gain is multiplied by this value. Defaults to 100%.

From Mind-Controlled

[TechnoType]►Experience.MindControlSelfModifier= (float - multiplier)
If a mind-controlled unit kills an enemy, its controller gets this percentage of the experience the original killer can get (the amount before Experience.MindControlVictimModifier is applied). This additional experience is not subtracted from the experience gained by the original killer. Defaults to 0%.
[TechnoType]►Experience.MindControlVictimModifier= (float - multiplier)
If a mind-controlled unit kills an enemy, its gained experience is multiplied by this value. Use this for example to subtract the amount the unit’s controller gets by having this value and Experience.MindControlSelfModifier sum up to 100%. Defaults to 100%.

Mind-controlled open-topped vehicles will not gain any experience from their passengers if the mind-controller’s and the open-topped’s players aren’t allied. Mind-controllers will not gain experience from killing enemies with a captured allied unit.

From Spawns

Spawners like the Aircraft Carrier or the Destroyer can get experience from their spawned aircrafts’ kills. For this to work, both the spawn and the spawner must be Trainable=yes. The following two tags go on the unit that spawns, not the spawns themselves.

[TechnoType]►Experience.SpawnOwnerModifier= (float - multiplier)
The percentage of experience the unit owning a spawn gains when the spawn kills an enemy. This tag has to be set on the spawner unit, not the spawn. Defaults to 0%.
[TechnoType]►Experience.SpawnModifier= (float - multiplier)
The percentage of experience a spawn of this unit gains when the spawn kills an enemy. This tag has to be set on the spawner unit, not the spawn. Defaults to 100%.

To split the experience between spawner and spawns, make these values sum up to 100%. This is not required, though.

If a spawner is mind-controlled, both the spawner’s and the spawn’s experience is multiplied by Experience.MindControlVictimModifier.