Trivial Structure Damage

When a house is suffering low power, buildings can be made to degrade just like in the earlier games like Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert. The buildings lose health while they are unpowered, defined by an amount and an interval, down to a minimum health. The damage is always dealt by [General]►C4Warhead.

In the earlier games, only buildings consuming power degraded one hitpoint per interval until reaching yellow health.

[General]►Degrade.Enabled= (boolean)
Whether structures are damaged in intervals defined by DamageDelay when a player has low power. Defaults to no.
[General]►Degrade.Percentage= (double - percentage)
The health above which this building will continue to degrade during low power situations. Buildings with health equal to or below this will not degrade further. Defaults to [AudioVisual]►ConditionYellow.
[General]►Degrade.AmountNormal= (integer - hitpoints)
The damage caused to buildings with Power equal to or greater than 0 in low power situations. Defaults to 0.
[General]►Degrade.AmountConsumer= (integer - hitpoints)
The damage caused to buildings with Power less than 0 in low power situations. Defaults to 1.

These global options can be customized per BuildingType.

[BuildingType]►Degrade.Percentage= (double - percentage)
The percentage of health this building will degrade to in low power situations. A value of 1.0 will not degrade this building, a value of 0.0 will make it degrade till complete destruction. Defaults to [General]►Degrade.Percentage.
[BuildingType]►Degrade.Amount= (integer - hitpoints)
The amount of damage this building will receive each interval of DamageDelay in low power situations. A value of 0 will not degrade this building. Defaults to [General]►Degrade.AmountNormal if Power is greater than or equal to 0, otherwise to [General]►Degrade.AmountConsumer.

Trivial Structure Damage can be enabled or disabled for each house individually. By default, MultiplayPassive=yes houses are not affected.

[Country]►Degrades= (boolean)
Whether buildings owned by this country degrade in low power situations. Defaults to no for MultiplayPassive=yes, to yes otherwise.
[House]►Degrades= (boolean)
Whether buildings owned by this country degrade in low power situations. Only supported in single player missions. Defaults to [Country]►Degrades.

New in version 0.A.