Build More Buildings of a Type¶
In the original game, AI base planning would allow for a structure to not be built, or built exactly one time. There are special cases for power plants, which fill up the base plan so the house always has enough power, defenses, which are picked depending on the enemy army’s strength, and refineries, which have special settings to support multiple instances.
In Ares it is not only possible to define the number of instances to build by difficulty, but also to randomize this number to some extent. The AI will build a random number of instances from build count to build count plus extra count.
Additional buildings are not built one after another, but instead mix randomly with the structures in the build list planned to be built later. For example, the AI will not always build four barracks before building a war factory, though by chance it could do that at times.
(list of integers)- The number of buildings the AI will build of this type depending on the difficulty. Order is hard to easy. Each value must be equal to or greater than 1. Defaults to 1,1,1.
(list of integers)- The maximum number of extra buildings the AI can build of this type depending on the difficulty. Order is hard to easy. A random number of buildings will be build in addition to the ones from the normal build count. Each value must be equal to or greater than 0. Defaults to 0,0,0.
New in version 0.D.