Firestorm Wall

The Firestorm Wall and the corresponding super weapon can now be implemented in Yuri’s Revenge.

When the Firestorm Defense is activated, all structures owned by the firing player that have Firestorm.Wall=yes set will emit an energy field, blocking all hostile projectiles from passing through. The energy field also destroys any friend or foe unlucky (or stupid) enough to come into direct contact with active cells.

IgnoresFirestorm is respected and if yes, neither units nor bullets are destroyed when passing an active Firestorm Wall. If an object is destroyed, crew or passengers will not be ejected.

See the Firestorm super weapon for more details.

New in version 0.1.

Changed in version 0.C.

Defining a Wall

BuildingTypes with Firestorm.Wall=yes set will act as a section of the Firestorm Wall and auto-connect to other nearby pieces (check the original building’s SHP from Tiberian Sun to see how the art is controlled).

[BuildingType]►Firestorm.Wall= (boolean)
Whether this building is part of the Firestorm Defense System. Defaults to no.

Global Settings

[CombatDamage]►FirestormWarhead= (Warhead)
The warhead used by active Firestorm Walls to destroy objects. Cannot be none. Defaults to [General]►C4Warhead.
[General]►DamageToFirestormDamageCoefficient= (double - multiplier)

The multiplier for the damage dealt to active Firestorm Walls to convert hitpoints to frames to subtract from the Firestorm Defense Super Weapon’s change time. Higher values reduce remaining active time faster. Defaults to 0.0.


Tiberian Sun defaulted to 0.1, but Ares did not have this feature and just nullified all damage. This is what a value of 0.0 still does.

There are four global tags that define the animations played when a Firestorm Wall is active, or idle, or immolating something.

[AudioVisual]►FirestormActiveAnim= (AnimationType)
The optional animation played randomly on Firestorm Wall sections when active. This is drawn in the building’s palette. Defaults to GAFSDF_A.
[AudioVisual]►FirestormIdleAnim= (AnimationType)
The optional animation played randomly on Firestorm Wall sections when active. This is drawn in the building’s palette. Defaults to FSIDLE.
[AudioVisual]►FirestormGroundAnim= (AnimationType)
The animation to display when an active Firestorm Wall destroys an object on or close to the ground. This is drawn in the animation palette. Defaults to FSGRND.
[AudioVisual]►FirestormAirAnim= (AnimationType)
The animation to display when an active Firestorm Wall destroys an object in the air. This is drawn in the animation palette. Defaults to FSAIR.

Firestorm Map Actions

Ares restores the two map actions related to the Firestorm Defense from Tiberian Sun. Map actions 92 and 93 activate and deactivate the Firestorm Walls unconditionally, and while it is active from these map actions, it will not drain the charge and thus stay active indefinitely.

If a building providing the Firestorm super weapon owned by the house is destroyed, loses power or goes offline due to other game logics, the Firestorm Defense is turned off like usual.


These map actions are only supported for non-human controlled houses.