Ion Cannon

Any warhead can launch an Ion Cannon effect in Ares. The Ion Cannon consists of a beam and an impact animation on the ground as well as damage delivery using a custom warhead.

Ion Cannon Blast

[Warhead]►IonCannon= (boolean)
Whether Ion Cannon logic will be activated when this warhead impacts. Defaults to no.

The following settings are available for Ion Cannon warheads.

[Warhead]►IonCannon.Blast= (Animation)
The optional first animation on the impact site. This is only used if the warhead impacts on land. If the impact site is on water, the last animation from the [CombatDamage]►SplashList is used. Set to none to deactivate. Defaults to [General]►IonBlast.
[Warhead]►IonCannon.Beam= (Animation)
The optional second animation on the impact site. Set to none to deactivate. Defaults to [General]►IonBeam.
[Warhead]►IonCannon.Warhead= (Warhead)
The optional warhead to deliver the damage. Set to none to deal no Ion Cannon damage. Defaults to [CombatDamage]►IonCannonWarhead.
[Warhead]►IonCannon.Damage= (integer - hitpoints)
The damage dealt by the Ion Cannon warhead. Defaults to [CombatDamage]►IonCannonDamage.
[Warhead]►IonCannon.Rock= (boolean)
Whether voxel units are rocked by the impact. Defaults to yes.

New in version 2.0.

Ripple Effect

The shockwave visual effect can be activated independently of a warhead being an Ion Cannon.

[Warhead]►IonCannon.Ripple= (integer - frames)

This generates a visual shockwave when the warhead detonates, identical to the one produced by Tiberian Sun‘s Ion Cannon. Note that this is a visual effect only. Valid values range from 0 (off) to 79 (max effect). Defaults to 79 for IonCannon=yes, to 0 otherwise.

Below are listed some results of modifying the tag values.

  • IonCannon.Ripple=1 - Forget it, nothing.
  • IonCannon.Ripple=5 - Target cell, only voxel rippling
  • IonCannon.Ripple=8 - Target cell, both voxel and SHP rippling.
  • IonCannon.Ripple=10 - 1 cell radius
  • IonCannon.Ripple=15 - 2 cell radius
  • IonCannon.Ripple=20 - 3 cell radius
  • IonCannon.Ripple=25 - 3 cell radius
  • IonCannon.Ripple=28 - 3 cell unit-rippling, 4 cell terrain rippling radius
  • IonCannon.Ripple=30 and onwards - 3 cell unit-rippling, 5 cell terrain-rippling radius

New in version 0.1.

Bridge Destroyer

A hardcoded property of the original Ion Cannon from Tiberian Sun was that it instantly destroyed bridges it hit. This special logic was only applied for the warhead defined as IonCannonWarhead. With Ares, this feature can be used on any warhead, and turned off for the original warhead.

[Warhead]►BridgeAbsoluteDestroyer= (boolean)
Whether this warhead immediately destroys a bridge it hits. Requires Wall=yes. Defaults to yes for [CombatDamage]►IonCannonWarhead, to no otherwise.

New in version 2.0.