Dig Animation and Sound

The global settings Dig and DigSound have been deglobalized and split into separate tags for units with Tunnel locomotors for digging into the surface and emerging from the ground again.

[TechnoType]►DigIn= (animation)
The optional animation used when this unit digs into the ground. Defaults to [AudioVisual]►Dig.
[TechnoType]►DigOut= (animation)
The optional animation used when this unit digs out of the ground. Defaults to [AudioVisual]►Dig.
[TechnoType]►DigInSound= (sound entry)
The optional sound played when this unit digs into the ground. Defaults to [AudioVisual]►DigSound.
[TechnoType]►DigOutSound= (sound entry)
The optional sound played when this unit digs out of the ground. Defaults to [AudioVisual]►DigSound.

New in version 0.D.