Spotlights are now available to all of the Big Four types, not just BuildingTypes. When attached to a BuildingType, the spotlight still behaves like it used to, just circling around, but when it is attached to a different unit type, such as a VehicleType, it is fixed to shine straight ahead.
Spotlights would cause an Internal Error whenever they were created. The error no longer occurs so spotlights can now be used.
If an object with a spotlight cloaked, the spotlight was removed and would not reappear once the object uncloaked. This doesn’t happen anymore. The spotlight will be invisible while the object is cloaked, deactivated, being warped out, or burrowed, though.
(boolean)- If set to yes, creates a spotlight from the unit or structure. Defaults to no.
(integer - leptons)- Specifies the number of leptons above the ground at which the spotlight will be generated. Has to be 0 or greater. Defaults to 430.
(integer - leptons)- The number of leptons ahead of the unit where the spotlight will reach the ground. Defaults to 1024.
(enumeration - one of body|turret)- The part of the unit that the spotlight will align to in regards to facing. If set to body then the spotlight will be pointed in the direction the unit’s body is facing, if set to turret then the spotlight will be pointed in the direction the unit’s turret is facing. Does not work on BuildingTypes. Defaults to body.
(boolean)- If set to yes then the spotlight will not emit any red light. Defaults to no.
(boolean)- If set to yes then the spotlight will not emit any green light. Defaults to no.
(boolean)- If set to yes then the spotlight will not emit any blue light. Defaults to no.
(boolean)- If set to yes then the spotlight will paint the ground darker, instead of brighter, and the disable red/green/blue flags mentioned above will be ignored. Defaults to no.
New in version 0.1.
Changed in version 0.C.