Custom Cameo Palettes

Rather than always using the cameo palette, individual cameos can now use their own bespoke palette.

In artmd.ini:

[UnitArt]►CameoPalette= (filename, *including* the .pal extension))
Specifies the palette to use for the unit’s cameo (Cameo and AltCameo must use the same palette), in the format “filename.pal”. Defaults to cameo.pal.

In rulesmd.ini:

[SuperWeapon]►SidebarPalette= (filename, *including* the .pal extension)
Specifies the palette to use for the super weapon’s SidebarImage, in the format “filename.pal”. Defaults to cameo.pal.


The cameo must not use the color at index 0 of the palette. It will be transparent in-game.

New in version 0.1.